all poets welcome!


Just send an email with "join san juan poets" in the subject line to

We will reply with an invitation to join the blog!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 8th - poets gathering - San Juan

(from Susan Wingate via email)
Hello all you poets and poetic writers!

We're meeting again and isn't that wonderful. Bring poetry - yours, someone else's or both! We're happy to have all you new folks who showed interest at the last Poetry Evening at the Library. If you see that someone has been left off the list that you think would enjoy our meetings, please let them know by passing this email along.

Place - George Smith's home (see driving directions below)
Date - May 8, 2008, Thursday
Time - 5:30 p.m.

Easy directions. Drive 2 miles out Beaverton Valley Road from the Library. Right turn on Barnswallow Way, which is opposite Old School House Road. Pass the first house, pass the double wide with the big shed, come over the crest of the hill and up to 326 - house with red metal roof and I'll try to have the porch lights on.

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