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Saturday, December 27, 2008

the heist of the century

The bank robbery was planned assiduously
it was the greatest heist of the century
perhaps in all of history
since the sacking of Rome
our emperor was bewitched
but he did what the thieves demanded
the victims had given their money away
years ago anyway
so now they were empty handed
and didn't even realize they had been had
all went according to plan
the banks got away
and didn't care who went mad
as the economy tanked
rumor has it
they are laughing all the way
to their banks


Anonymous said...

Surely you can't be suggesting that this was all just engineered. For that would be a conspiracy theory. Anyone who believes in conspiracy theories also believes in aliens and must be stigmatized for being so gullible.

The fact is that people just want to think it was an accident in a complex world and a result of greed. And now that it has been done to correct steps will be taken to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Believing that allows people to return to their comfort zone. It is easier to believe that then it is to face the engineered alternative whether crooks will continue to be in control and go about plotting their next heist.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men" Plato

antoniozart said...

Of course it wasn't Precisely Engineered! Humans just are not capable of that... some would say we suffer from a super~sized hubris... others that we are a cosmic blunder... or yet one more abortion of evolution... but if I were a betting man, I would NOT bet that centralized power stuctures have a hell of long future...
or as the great philosophs, Leather Nun said:
"Don't you tell me what to do!
Don't you tell me where to go!
Now I am my own boss... feel the
pity, feel the loss! No more talk
of politics... no more master
race tricks! No more silly rules...
and no more law and order... running riot is coming down the road..."
Doris Lessing said that the great enigma for scholarship in the future will be that western civ. had all the means at its disposal to create a harmonious and equitable world... but didn't.
now... doesn't that sound sci~fi?
if we don't know WHY we are can we possible procede?
I love the indeterminancy of it all!
as for mister Plato~ or was it Ralph Nader??? joining in THIS power structure will do about as much good as joining the Military to "keep the peace"...