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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Death of a Hommunculus

Spontaneous joy
he knows not the price paid
for your gentle eagerness
severed here now
like a gentle calf's throat
suspended midair
wide-eyed surprise stamped
like CANCEL across your forehead

that brief moment
of recognition before oblivion
your premature demise
your aborted dance
breath snatched from the expanded lung
before the song could be sung

mirthless dagger
borrowed not born
Hommunculus death
these magical creatures
born from our depths
pain turned manna
their deaths the small deaths
of the soul

blackness shroud and waiting
not infinitely resurrectable this
phoenix - scars made gold -
yours a quick burial
and unceremonious resurrection
while I incubate with warm tears
and whispered prayers
my small still pile
of ash

TC – January 2009

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