Once upon a time,
there was a space,
a place for horses to race,
in advance of a broken rhyme;
the logic behind such an infinity
of practical modifications
was a we-oui-we made
set of aleatory effects
engraved in a series
of c o n c e n t r i c
r i d d l e - w a l k s
on s t a t i c sticks.
the photo is draining my treasury
like a ride through detroit
or the south bronx
I really like it... we would like to move it to the "permanent" side bar... like the FBI most wanted wall...
bon courage A
I really enjoy reading your blog, so much that I would like to mail-subscribe to it. Would you let me know where can i find the link for it?
I'll take this opportunity to invite you to my blog, titled "Tales from The Amazon and assorted short stories" I'm sure you would enjoy it as well.
I am at, http://stillmind-thoughts.blogspot.com
Keep up the good work!!
7:57 PM
a n t o n i o
thank you
et merci
Z O ! O Z
R e n é ,
thank you so much;
at the moment
I am only H E R E,
might have a blog
z o o m .
By the way,
of my christian
names is René.
Thank you for
the invitation.
I shall explore
and be back.
R e g a r d z ,
[ à suivre ]
J'ton prie. Je t'attandre alors. Salut!
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