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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

S e c o n d : h e l p i n g S


l…a…t…e…r ,
or more after ,
con val escence,
o b i t u a r i e s ,
r o o f g a r d e n
in F l o r e n c e,
and d a r k e n
l i b r a r i e s

[ . . . . . . . ]

At l a s t ,
a l m o s t ,
every single
Sunday roast,
of such a plural
scattered p a s t,
c a m e=:=b a c k
to my stomach
for an encore
of gastric


1 comment:

antoniozart said...

so genuine and unabashed writing going to the heart (or) (nearby below) of matter, THE matter.
cioran and artaud go on and on about this subject... in tirades of vitriol....
at last one who writes about this delicate subject... with delicacy.
ps. A fat sandwich is being delivered to you through the wilds of north america... with lots of stuffing....