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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


All destruction begins in the mind
tunnel vision
the circle in origins
a lunar silence
in collusion with
fur on a pronoun
proof treading the water
of a fragile veil wonderstruck within
and washed ashore somewhere
the last factory
behind the wall
in your eye
is consumed
as storms in a butterfly
land on the edge of a sharp tongued
woman or a cricket
drinking dust
back to the beginning again
boundaries flourish
insomnia soars over faith
after the blizzard comes to a flying halt
an old man shoulders strange new zeros
a symmetry that was posed
between grandmothers
and their sensitive darkness inside
their eggs on the dunes by the poolside
the gush of the same day's eloquent grief in a paradise
of complexities made simple by machines
dignified by the end from the very first

(for Kirrill D’Kainn)

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